International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation (IBC)

Project in progress

International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation (IBC) has been offering support to all people living in disadvantaged regions of the world and experiencing problems in access to emergency aid, health, education, and rehabilitation without any discrimination on the basis of nationality, religion, language, political opinion, gender, age, sexual orientation, genetic or physical characteristics for over 20 years. Since its establishment, IBC has engaged in activities in a variety of fields ranging from humanitarian support to livelihood and social cohesion programs with a gender equality perspective.

Improved protection, education and social cohesion services for refugees and host community in Kilis and Konya

About the project

The project’s overall objective is to improve protection services and life skills of vulnerable refugees and members of the host community for their empowerment and better access to services.

The project covering Kilis and Konya aims to improve protection services for disadvantaged communities, besides improving language skills of beneficiaries through language courses and increasing children’s access to education through EBA (Educational Informatics Network) support activities. It has the objective to increase the wellbeing and socio-economic status of refugees and members of host community in the urban and rural areas of both provinces, to strengthen knowledge and awareness levels and to safeguard their access to services, as well as contributing to social cohesion. The main activities are to ensure that beneficiaries have access to the right information, service and guidance, to strengthen their psychosocial wellbeing, to provide transportation and translation services and to support social activities and cohesion processes by improving their life skills.

Planned activities

  • Protection interventions: legal counselling, case management, translation, transportation, psychological counselling, GBV prevention, child protection
  • Social cohesion
  • Education: language and vocational courses
  • Mentoring for ADA (Peer Support Network) Türkiye

Cash Response Programme:
Location: Adıyaman, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kilis
Objective: This programme is designed to provide crucial one-time financial assistance to households severely impacted by earthquakes. The aim is to offer immediate relief and support recovery in the aftermath.
Activities: Needs assessments in Turkish, Arabic, and Farsi to understand the specific needs of affected families via phone calls, one-off cash support to identified vulnerable households, post-distribution monitoring, and evaluating.

Earthquake Intervention (Completed):
Location: Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kilis
Objective: Delivering immediate relief and support to communities devastated by the earthquake to address urgent needs and facilitate early recovery.
Activities: Protection activities (PSS, needs assessments, case management, child protection), child activities, non-formal education activities, distribution of essential learning materials like textbooks for university exams, distribution of blankets, hygiene kits, electric ventilators, şalvar, baby kits and winter clothing for children, and distribution of canned foods and the provision of hot soup services.

Kilis, Konya, Hatay


Social Cohesion

Non-formal Education

Refugees under Temporary and International Protection and members of the host community, Persons with disabilities, Caregivers, Elderly persons, Earthquake Survivors

Counselling, Case management, Social cohesion, Language courses, Vocational courses, Life skills, PSS, Translation, Transportation, GBV prevention, Child protection, Mentoring, Advocacy, Capacity building, Awareness raising, Experience sharing, Information, Referrals, Mobile protection, Special needs support, Needs Analysis, Earthquake Intervention, Multi purpose Cash Assistance,

IBC is the mentor of the Marmara 1 Bundle.

Contact Details

Bağdat Caddesi Dorsan Apt. No:467/9 Suadiye Kadıköy / İstanbul
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