
ADA Türkiye

We work together to build a strong and resilient future for everyone.

The Civil Society Network for Peer Support and Localisation (ADA Türkiye) was established by the initiative of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in 2021. The network was launched by the Community-Based Local Initiatives Project (CLIP 2) implementation partners to bring together non-governmental organisations that provide holistic and need-based social services to refugees and vulnerable members of the host society in Türkiye and ensure long-term collaboration for dependability.

We provide needs-based and integrated social services in coordination with relevant public institutions and agencies.

Aimed at strengthening the psychosocial and socioeconomic resilience of refugees and of the vulnerable members of the host community, ADA Türkiye partner NGOs offer improved and specialised protection, skills development, non-formal education, social cohesion, and capacity development services across Türkiye.

Co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), EU Humanitarian Aid, ADA Türkiye supports its partners under four components:

  1. Improving protection and specialised support services for refugees and vulnerable members of the host community,
  2. Increasing access to non-formal education (NFE),
  3. Promoting social cohesion,
  4. Building institutional and individual capacity as well as interagency cooperation.

The mentoring system contributes to localisation efforts.

ADA Türkiye employs a “mentoring” approach, with a focus on knowledge and experience sharing on various levels between implementing partners. Large-scale NGOs are given specialised support for capacity development so they can be prepared to support and empower small-scale local initiatives. Together, they join to form a “cluster.” Depending on the expertise of the organisation, the cluster increases the capacity of local initiatives in the areas of management, finance, and organisational development as well as within thematic areas. Moreover, ADA Türkiye also supports and strengthens larger NGOs in their mentoring and supporting roles in order to have a greater impact.

ADA Türkiye also fosters the provision of high-quality needs- and rights-based services linked to the existing service structures of the state. It promotes peer support, collaboration, and cooperation while also linking implementing partners with different capacities to one another as an innovative approach. Additionally, it empowers civil society actors and strengthens the organisations’ overall institutional sustainability.

We provide a trustworthy partnership for social impact.

Partners of ADA Türkiye target refugees and vulnerable members of the host community. In addition to registered Syrian refugees under temporary protection, the projects’ target groups include refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran. The projects specifically target disadvantaged and vulnerable groups such as female-headed households, single parents, disabled people, victims of gender-based violence, and people in need of psychosocial support.

While promoting services that address the needs of different age groups, as well as women and men, activities to reduce the medium and long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the target group are also considered. All activities take into account the needs of the host community members and follow the “do no harm” principle.

Our activities across Türkiye enable us to support groups that are difficult to reach.

ADA Türkiye partners are operating in the provinces with a low level of international donor support, a high proportion of particularly vulnerable refugees (including those from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran) and host community residents, and limited social service infrastructure. As a result, implementing partners operate in the following cities: Adana, Afyon, Ağrı, Aksaray, Amasya, Ankara, Bursa, Elazığ, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Iğdır, Istanbul, Kayseri, Kilis, Kırşehir, Konya, Kütahya, Nevşehir, Niğde, Sakarya, Sivas, Trabzon, Van, and Zonguldak.

By acting in partnership as a civil society network, we become stronger and foster lasting change. In the scope of ADA Türkiye until today:

people have benefitted from legal and social advice and psychosocial support services


individuals took part in intercultural activities


individuals have participated in exchange formats to strengthen solidarity in society


individuals have benefited from non-formal education

By acting in partnership as a civil society network, we become stronger and foster lasting change. In the scope of ADA Türkiye until today:

people have benefitted from legal and social advice and psychosocial support services


individuals took part in intercultural activities


individuals have participated in exchange formats to strengthen solidarity in society


individuals have benefited from non-formal education

Our Partners

ADA Türkiye facilitates successful cooperation between experienced NGOs and local initiatives in underserved areas of Türkiye to reach out to the most vulnerable refugees and host communities. In this way, it fosters the provision of needs-based and high-quality services linked to existing service structures of the state.

Our Partners

ADA Türkiye facilitates successful cooperation between experienced NGOs and local initiatives in underserved areas of Turkey to reach out to the most vulnerable refugees and host communities. In this way, it fosters the provision of needs-based and high-quality services linked to existing service structures of the state.

Why be a partner?

ADA Türkiye provides a network of cooperation, a sustainable form of exchange, synergy, and credibility, with peer learning as the centre for capacity development.