Disease-Free and Better Future for My Children

Necva was only 11 years old when she first came to Türkiye. As the little girl of a family under temporary protection, her life was always a struggle. Now, Necva must face the challenges of life as a mother who takes care of her children and struggles with serious health problems.

What really affected Necva, who was struggling with economic burdens due to her diagnosed illness, was the impact of her illness on her ability to care. Necva tries to cope every day with her illness. Along with the feeling of being inadequate in caring for her children, she also found herself in a constant financial struggle.

But Necva met the International Blue Crescent Humanitarian Aid and Development Foundation (IBC) during this process, and she states that she took a breather thanks to the cash assistance provided by the Community-Based Local Initiatives Project (CLIP 2).

“Before the assistance arrived, every hospital visit turned into a financial nightmare that drained our already limited resources,” Necva reports, reflecting the depth of her struggle. She states that with this support, it is possible to cover emergency medical expenses as well as manage daily expenses without the constant fear of financial ruin.

Although the CLIP 2 Cash Response Programme is a short-term support for her, Necva’s dreams are actually bigger. Necva does not want to be limited to just managing her disease. She sincerely wishes to regain her health and provide a stable, happy life for her children.

“I dream of a day when I will wake up disease-free and provide a better future for my children. I want our lives to no longer be shaped by health limitations,” she adds with a determined and hopeful expression.

Necva’s story of resilience clearly shows that the CLIP 2 Cash Response Programme, supported by the European Union and the German Government, allows individuals not only to survive but also to look to the future with more hope.

Necva emphasises that with her story, a path has been opened to provide a more hopeful future for herself and her family. She states that he feels the transformative effect of the cash assistance both on her family, on her mental and overall health.

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About the Project

The aim of the project is to strengthen the psychosocial and socio-economic resilience of refugees and vulnerable members of the host community.