More than 13 thousand women benefited from MaviKalem in 4 years

MaviKalem’s Women’s Counselling Centre in Esenyurt district of Istanbul, which started its operations in 2019, continues its activities at full speed this year. This centre works to support all Turkish, migrant and refugee women to access basic rights and services. In the last 4 years, 19 thousand 611 people have benefited from the centre, which provides services in Turkish, Arabic and Farsi. Of these, 13,406 were women, 6,167 were men and 21 were LGBTI individuals.

The services provided at the Women’s Counselling Centre include general counselling services on education, health, basic needs and legal issues, referral support to the necessary institutions, accompaniment and interpretation support, and individual psychological counselling support. In addition to all these, group psychosocial support activities accompanied by a psychologist are implemented to make women feel better psychologically.

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About the Project

The aim of the project is to strengthen the psychosocial and socio-economic resilience of refugees and vulnerable members of the host community.