We work together to build a strong future for everyone

ADA Türkiye brings together NGOs that provide holistic and need-based social services for refugees and vulnerable members of the host community in Türkiye.

ADA Türkiye brings together NGOs that provide holistic and need-based social services for refugees and vulnerable members of the host community in Türkiye.

Find out more about our work across Türkiye below

ADA Türkiye partners operate in provinces that have so far benefited from funding support to a relatively lower extent where social services are limited and foreign communities other than Syrians are concentrated.

ADA Türkiye partners operate in provinces that have so far benefited from funding support to a relatively lower extent where social services are limited and foreign communities other than Syrians are concentrated.

Find out more about our work across Turkey below


We provide needs-based & integrated social services in coordination with relevant state institutions

ADA Türkiye partner NGOs offer improved and specialised protection, skills development, non-formal education, social cohesion, and capacity development services across Türkiye.

By acting in partnership as a civil society network, we become stronger and foster a lasting change

people have benefitted from protection services including referrals, individual and group PSS, and legal and social counselling.
individuals have participated in intercultural activities, fostering understanding and social cohesion among diverse communities.
participants have engaged in information and awareness-raising measures to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence.
individuals have received assistance through ADA Türkiye’s earthquake response initiatives, providing crucial support during times of crisis.


A trustworthy partnership for social impact

ADA Türkiye facilitates successful cooperation between experienced NGOs and local initiatives in underserved areas of Türkiye to reach out to the most vulnerable refugees and host communities. In this way, it fosters the provision of needs-based and high-quality services linked to existing service structures of the state.


A trustworthy partnership for social impact

ADA Türkiye facilitates successful cooperation between experienced NGOs and local initiatives in underserved areas of Türkiye to reach out to the most vulnerable refugees and host communities. In this way, it fosters the provision of needs-based and high-quality services linked to existing service structures of the state.

Why be a partner?

ADA Türkiye provides a network of cooperation, a sustainable form of exchange, synergy, and credibility, with peer learning as the centre for capacity development.

Why be a partner?

ADA Türkiye provides a network of cooperation, a sustainable form of exchange, synergy, and credibility, with peer learning as the centre for capacity development.

News and Stories

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events


Community-Based Local Initiatives Project (CLIP)
Community-Based Local Initiatives Project Impact Report 2022
Improved Skills and Competencies
A Sustainable and Fair Way of Building Capacities
Towards a Cohesive Society as One
Person-Centered Services to Promote Dignity
Digital Service Delivery: Guideline for NGOS Providing Social Services to Refugees and Members of the Host Communities in Türkiye
A Resilient Future for Everyone – Visuals and Stories from Community-Based Local Initiatives Project (CLIP 2).
Good Practises of the Public Sector – NGO Cooperation From GIZ Support to Refugees and Host Communities
Social Entrepreneurship – Roadmap for Community Centres
Providing Multi-Services in Community Centres
Civil Society and State Engagement in the Refugee Response in Türkiye: Assessment of Possibilities to Improve Sustainable Complementary Service Delivery (Short Version)
Civil Society and State Engagement in the Refugee Response in Türkiye: Assessment of Possibilities to Improve Sustainable Complementary Service Delivery
Stories: Crossing The Border Story Book